The overall objective of the CROPINNO project is to stimulate and accelerate scientific excellence and innovation capacity of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in terms of development and production of climate-smart crops, as well as enhancing its ability to respond and create innovative solutions for the challenges facing agriculture– climate change and the need to feed the increasing world population.
Specific objectives:
Improving scientific excellence capacity of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops through a diverse training in the use of phenotyping and multi-omics for the development of climate-resilient crops.
Strengthening creativity and innovation capacity through new collaborations with R&I institutions, farmers and the industry in Western Balkans and other regions of Europe, as well as promoting advanced innovations in crop improvement, transferrable to agricultural production through increased mobility of researchers.
Strengthening research management and administrative skills at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, particularly communication skills and preparation of project proposals, in order to maximize the impact of its activities and improve its chances for success in securing international funding.
Creating the conditions for positioning the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops as a regional R&I hub in the field of agriculture.
Establishment of Climate Crops Centre, which will bring together interdisciplinary expertise with an aim to apply innovative approaches in climate-resilient crop improvement, promote innovation and foster partnerships with farmers and the industry.