INSTITUT ZA RATARSTVO I POVRTARSTVO, INSTITUT OD NACIONALNOG ZNAČAJA ZA REPUBLIKU SRBIJU – IFVCNS, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia Despite being the leading regional research centre in traditional crop breeding, IFVCNS severely lacks knowledge and experience in applying modern tools for crop breeding and development of new generation climate-resilient crops.
Role in CROPINNO: Project Coordinator and Leader of WP5 and WP6
UNIVERSITÄT ROSTOCK (UROS) from Germany (Department of Plant Genetics) is renowned for its molecular sunflower hybrid breeding and its developed system of drought tolerance research in potatoes, which will be the model used for knowledge-transfer to other crops.
Role in CROPINNO: Leader of WP1
UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA (UNIPD) from Italy (Department of Agronomy, Animal Food Natural Resources and Environment) has research excellence in the use of epigenetics and “–omics” data for crop improvement.
Role in CROPINNO: Leader of WP2
FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM JÜLICH GmbH (FZJ) from Germany (Institute for Bio- and Geosciences: IBG-2: Plant Sciences) is the world leader in the development and application of non-invasive sensors and automation technology for quantifying structural and functional traits of shoots, roots, up to population.
Role in CROPINNO: Leader of WP3
AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS – INSTITUTO DE AGRICULTURA SOSTENIBLE (CSIC-IAS) from Spain is the recognized excellence centre in integrated pest management for crop improvement.
Role in CROPINNO: Leader of WP4