
Synergies with other projects

CROPINNO is developing targeted synergies with other ongoing H2020, Horizon Europe and national level
projects and R&D initiatives, including existing research networks and infrastructures.


EMPHASIS is a plant phenotyping infrastructure distributed across Europe. EMPHASIS supports scientists in studying plants in different environments to enable more efficient crop production in a changing climate, to ensure future food security and to trigger a sustainable European agricultural economy. Information systems for data collection and a platform with mathematical models are linked by EMPHASIS at the European level. Knowledge and new technologies are shared and scientific education is supported.

reSilienT fARminG by Adaptive microclimaTe managEment

The STARGATE project is focused on integrating data on sustainable productivity and microclimate features to provide a better model for policymakers. Its comparative analysis will draw in national and European data and create visual analysis to provide more efficient and modern management in farming, by adding to the understanding of a local ecology and its features, including meteorological data. STARGATE will create a model focused on the visual presentation of data at a wide array of local and international levels to facilitate better decision-making and application on the ground in an easier and more affordable way.