Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production
In the scope of the CROPINNO project, a network will be established between the internationally recognised research institutes CSIC-IAS (Spain), UNIPD (Italy), FZJ (Germany) and UROS (Germany) so as to strengthen scientific and innovation capacity of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in the development and production of climate-smart crops.
The CROPINNO project will aim to develop and implement innovative solutions, as well as promoting resilient and sustainable agricultural production of more climate-smart, nutritious and diverse crops at the farm level, which will offer healthier and more sustainable options to consumers.
CROPINNO is funded under the Europe Horizon Programme Widening participation and spreading excellence. It will run for 36 months, from September 2022 to August 2025.
The overall objective of the CROPINNO project is to stimulate and accelerate scientific excellence and innovation capacity of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
CROPINNO will boost IFVCNS’s science and innovation capacities by offering IFVCNS researchers an opportunity to work with the most advanced phenotyping and multi-omics tools.
Climate Crops
Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Breeding of Climate-Resilient Crops
CROPINNO will create conditions for positioning IFVCNS as a regional hub of R&I in the area of agriculture and establishment of Climate Crops Centre, which will bring together interdisciplinary expertise, apply innovative approaches in climate-resilient crop improvement and foster innovation and partnerships with the farmers and industry.

Project Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Dragana Miladinović

Funded by the European Union
Grant agreement No. 101059784