In a bid to expand their knowledge and strengthen their expertise in the field of crop breeding, the Cropinno team embarked on a productive visit to Rostok University during first week of July. The team actively participated in a specialized Training School focused on Bioinformatics, SNP-Based Markers, and their Application in Breeding.

The Training School, hosted by Rostok University’s renowned Department of Genetics and Crop Sciences was lead by Prof. Dr. Renate Horn, Florian Schilling, Malin Alf and Robert Wagner, The trainig aimed to equip participants with advanced skills and insights into the application of bioinformatics and SNP-based markers in crop breeding. Trainings given by

During the intensive program, the Cropinno team immersed themselves in a range of topics related to bioinformatics and the utilization of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in breeding practices, Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) which allows for the rapid and cost-effective sequencing of large number of DNA molecules simultaneously enabling researchers to obtain vast amounts of genetic data quickly.

Participants in the training were also introduced to Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) sequencing. QTL refers to a region of the genome associated with the variation of a quantitative trait and QTL analysis aims to identify and characterize the genetic variants responsible for these quantitative traits.

The training was delivered through a combination of interactive lectures and hands-on practical session allowing participants to gain a comprehensive understanding of cutting-edge methodologies and tools in the field. Attendees also had the opportunity to engage in discussions with leading experts and peers, exchanging valuable insights and experiences.

The Cropinno team expressed enthusiasm and appreciation for the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge in bioinformatics and SNP-based markers. They believe that the insights gained during the Training School will significantly contribute to their ongoing efforts in developing innovative and sustainable crop breeding strategies.