Short-Term Scientific Mission at the University of Rostock
Last month, during two weeks, Dr Svetlana Glogovac from IFVCNS was on Short-Term Scientific Mission at the University of Rostock (UROS) as part of CROPINNO project activities. During her training, she learned about phenotyping for drought tolerance. Purpose of the training was to improve excellence…
Cropino news
Short-term visit of administrative staff
Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS) research administrative staff met with of Padova (UNIPD) International Research Office employees to learn about the activities carried out within the Office. Separate meetings were held with the Head of the Office, the librarian, Collaborative Grant Team, Individual...
Workshop “Introduction to (Crop) Epigenetics”
Workshop"Introduction to (Crop) Epigenetics" was organized in period 23 - 24 February 2023 at Padua, Italy as part of the activities in WP1 Strengthening scientific capacity, task 1.1. The workshop was held at the Agripolis campus of the University of Padua. The event was organized...